Just like Deer explained! See, Violet and Wolf decided to go hunt in Twolegplace (because why not?), and they have failed to catch e v e r y t h i n g due to using RiverClan stats, even though they aren't in RiverClan territory. In an abandoned twoleg den where mice are everywhere, it should be easy to catch a mouse, not nearly impossible xD
Like Violet tried to catch a bird, and she rolled a 7. Well since it's 1-4 chance, she missed it. In Twolegplace, birds should probably be a 1-5. Small Mammals a 1-7, fish 1, reptiles & amphibians 1-2(lizards, frogs, ie.) Mammals 1-3(squirrel, rabbits, ie.)
(just ideas for numbers)
But it would make hunting much more reasonable in Twolegplace then.