Fate of the Warriors

Set in the universe of Erin Hunter's Warrior Cat Series in an alternate universe.
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The winter solstice has occurred! Winter has officially descended upon the forest, bringing snowfall and danger hidden around every corner.
Gatherings take place on the first of the month! Medicine Cat Meetings take place on the 15th!
For all of those interested in a higher-rank, keep an eye out! There's going to plenty of mixing up in the near future.
selling bathwater hmu - oryx
stormy: the official fertility goddess of FOTW

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The Forest Territories

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FourtreesBeneath the four ancient oaks that surround High Rock, the leaders of the five clans meet here every full moon for a gathering. An ancient peace treaty holds grudges at bay, preventing any fighting during this truce. Gatherings are held here 1st day of every month. Only staff approved topics are allowed to be posted here.
21483February's Gathe...
Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:10 pm
Stormy View latest post
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HighstonesA steep, stony hill that leads cats to Mothermouth, a sacred location where the Moonstone is located. Cats come here to speak with their ancestors, StarClan, and receive blessings/prophecies.
57329Strawpaw's Moons...
Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:50 am
Ice View latest post
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ThunderClan Camp

ThunderClan CampIn the depths of a natural ravine, ThunderClan makes their nests behind high bramble walls that protect them from trespassers. In the centre of camp is High Rock, where the leader will stand to call a clan meeting.
66659Leave me alone, ...
Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:16 am
FireDaisy View latest post
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The Woods

The WoodsThunderClan's territory. It is a dense forest with thick underbrush, making this area great for hunting as well as hiding.
56637A not so quiet f...
Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:05 am
Stoneteller View latest post
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Sandy Hollow

Sandy HollowThunderClan's territory. The Sandy Hollow is an open area near the river filled soft, loose sand. Apprentices can often be found here sparring.
571The Evening Blaz...
Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:04 am
FireDaisy View latest post
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SunningrocksLarge, smooth rocks on the riverbank on the border of ThunderClan and RiverClan. They are frequently fought over by the two clans as they are known for abundant prey and ideal warmth for relaxing. CURRENTLY OWNED BY : RIVERCLAN
11133Go with the Flow...
Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:29 pm
Sleepykitty View latest post
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RiverClan Camp

RiverClan CampOn a secluded island, deep within RiverClan territory, these water-loving cats make their home on the sand out of woven willows and reeds. Their dens are ornately decorated with shells and glass shards, protected from the elements by an ancient willow, who's low hanging branch serves as a perch for leaders to call clan meetings.
42351A little fox
Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:02 pm
Aurornis View latest post
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The River

The RiverRiverClan's territory. A large river that tears through the land and serves as RiverClan's border. It is primarily used for fishing, but it is also used as a safety precaution against ThunderClan and SkyClan.
25303The panicked Col...
Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:39 am
Stormy View latest post
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Flooded Banks

Flooded BanksRiverClan's territory. The Flooded Banks is an area of the forest that, as the name states, floods during times of a lot of rain. Afterward, small pools can be found where cats relax and practice their swimming skills. They are also good for endurance training.
1498Practice Makes P...
Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:45 am
Stoneteller View latest post
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The Gorge

The GorgeThis deep fissure in the ground separates RiverClan and WindClan. There are small cliffs within the Gorge that have been weathered out by the rushing river that runs through it. The water at the bottom is very fast-moving and hides incredibly sharp rocks, making it an almost certain death pit.
878Alone........ or...
Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:45 am
Stoneteller View latest post
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WindClan Camp

WindClan CampHidden from sight by prickly gorse and wispy tall grass, WindClan makes their nests within old rabbit warrens that keep the clan untouched by the elements. On clear nights, the clan will sleep beneath the stars, circling Tallrock, a jagged stone embedded in the earth, where leaders will call clan meetings.
63540a new arrival in...
Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:18 am
owlspark View latest post
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The Moors

The MoorsThe majority of WindClan's territory. It is a large stretch of flat land covered in tall golden grass and open to the sky. Prey is small and quick and there is no protection from the elements here.
44437The Whomping Wil...
Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:26 pm
Sleepykitty View latest post
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Flowering Fields

Flowering FieldsWindClan's territory. It is a small patch of assorted flowers that mysteriously bloom in the middle of the Moors. The grass is lush and soft. It is easy to get lost in the field's beauty.
12127jealousy [c]
Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:02 pm
narwhalbacon View latest post
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ThunderpathSeparates ShadowClan from both ThunderClan and WindClan. A highly dangerous, thick black strip of hard earth that emanates a disgusting smell and is rampaged by monsters.
16103I come in peace!...
Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:04 am
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ShadowClan Camp

ShadowClan CampIn the heart of the deep marshes, ShadowClan make their camp in old, hollowed out tree stumps that keep them clear of the marsh waters and mud below. How the cats traverse in and out is a mystery, as outsiders find it almost impossible to reach it without getting muddied. In the centre of camp, juts out Jaggedrock, where leaders call clan meetings.
45392An unexpected di...
Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:11 am
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The Marshes

The MarshesShadowClan's territory. The Marshes is a large stretch of wetland with patches of solid ground separated by boggy water. Only short shrubbery survives with several dead trees riddling the land.
36349Same difference ...
Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:24 am
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CarrionplaceShadowClan's territory. At the edge of the territory, twolegs dump their crowfood here. Its rancid odor attracts many diseased rats. It is used only as a last resort for food.
22StarClan Reaches...
Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:16 pm
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Fallen Oak

Fallen OakMarks the border between SkyClan and ThunderClan. It is a huge oak tree that fell in a terrible storm. Its massive size makes it fun to climb on.
836Chance Meetings...
Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:56 am
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SkyClan Camp

SkyClan CampMasked from sight by tall pine trees, SkyClan makes their camp in a naturally formed cave that was carved by an old brook that once flowed through their territory. Beautiful rocks line the cavern floors from cats embedding them over many moons, making them a wonderful sight in the moonlight. Against one of the walls is High Ledge, where the leader will call clan meetings.
60601a new friend
Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:27 am
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Tall Pines

Tall PinesSkyClan's territory. Large pine trees stretch into the sky and blanket the hard, rocky earth. The ground lacks underbrush as the only the hardiest of plants can survive.
41484Family bonding t...
Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:34 pm
Stoneteller View latest post
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Glittering Stones

Glittering StonesSkyClan's territory. Quite literally a massive hole in the earth long that was abandoned by twolegs. It is filled with beautiful shiny stones that cats love to collect. However, it is not very stable and can be dangerous climbing in and out of it.
432Empty Vessel, Cr...
Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:55 am
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Lightning Creek

Lightning CreekA jagged creek that cuts through the pine forest, it serves as a border between RiverClan and SkyClan. During Greenleaf, the creek tends to drop low, trapping fish in pools for easy pickings.
436chamber of refle...
Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:08 pm
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TwolegplaceA strange and unfamiliar land filled with danger lurking around every corner. Only the most clever can survive here.

733Time in an aband...
Sun Nov 29, 2020 3:54 am
Aurornis View latest post
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